
Posted In: Baby Suzio On 10/19/2011

Time in the Suzio household has just flown by since February.  Bed time comes too early, play time is too short, weekends come and go way too quick, Spring flew by, Summer’s ended abruptly, fall is about to leave and winter is approaching quickly.  Yet every day is amazing and we feel so fortunate to have the best little girl in the world.  With all the advice, precautions and stories things really couldn’t be better than we have it, we are so fortunate.

From conception, things were just different.  Our marriage grew tighter, Lexie began to spend more time on mommy's belly and the 9 months was really just enjoyable thinking about the little life inside that was ours.  Our family and friends were excited and the positive momentum started early.

Suzio tradition, patience comes when necessary but little Whitney Olivia just couldn’t wait to make her appearance.  Arriving early but healthy, precious, adorable, olive and sweet, she changed our lives.   Immediately she seemed to recognize and take comfort in people around her.  It was only minutes until her and mom were connected, shortly after she held my finger with a death grip squeeze that she still carries to this day.  With a voice or presence of a body Whitney seemed to immediately start tracking you and giving you undivided attention.  Warm and cuddly she spent very little time alone, everyone wanted to hold her.

In the first 8 months she has amazed us every day.  Tummy time to crawling up daddy's chest, smiling at mom & Lexie all the time, attempting to walk/run when held up, eating well, sleeping well (ok, this took about 2 months), so observant picking up and trying everything, rolling over back and forth from early on, showing comfort with her independence, her drive and commitment to grow and become strong and great in everything thing not backing away, soothing herself with the thumb, always playing up to a crowd, talking up a storm, splishing and splashing in the tub, back flipping while eating, are you looking at me stares followed by mischievous looks, raspberries, travel companion, reaching out to be held, so, so much more and most importantly just being our little baby, Whitney Baby!

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